Sleeping with the baby on the couch increases the risk of sudden death

Although it is not known for sure what the reasons for sudden death are, it is clear that there are habits (such as the baby sleeping on his stomach) that increase the risk.

According to a recent study in the United Kingdom, the risk of sudden death of a baby is fifty times higher if you sleep on the couch with one of the parents If he does it in bed with them.

There is also danger in sleeping with the baby in bed, where he can be drowned by pillows or crushed by any of the parents. But the main hypothesis of the study is that if the mother (or the father) falls asleep and has a long time hugging the baby, they can subject him to excessive heat causing death. Of course they can also squeeze it, although that was the cause of death in only three cases. Dr. Peter Fleming, a doctor at the Royal Children's Hospital in Bristol and a research coordinator, who carries out twenty years, strongly recommends avoiding sleeping with babies on the couch. He points out that cases of sudden death have fallen by 75%, but those of death on the couch have quadrupled.

The study published in the magazine "The Lancet" also revealed other interesting facts: cases of sudden death increased in babies of smoking mothers during and after pregnancy. In 40% of the cases they were single mothers, almost half occurred in areas of greater poverty and 16% were women under 20 years of age.

Video: Risks of Co-Sleeping. (July 2024).