For parents of twins, twins, triplets and more

Following some queries from readers who expect twins, which are increasingly more (both readers and women who expect twins), I was researching on the web meeting sites for multi-birth parents.

I must say that there are very few places where parents can share experiences and with good data. For some there may be useful. is a very good Spanish-speaking portal, with lots of information, forums, queries, library and a list of Spanish multi-birth associations. An ideal place to contact other families in the same situation.

If you live in Spain, almost all the autonomous communities have multi-birth associations but the only ones that have websites, at least the ones I found, are (Madrid) and (Catalonia). Multifamilias is an Argentine support organization for families with twins, triplets and more that organizes talks for parents and provides good information on breastfeeding, psychology, schooling, etc.

In Mexico, is the National Association of Multiple Births and on its website announces an Ibero-American Meeting of Multiple Births from July 26 to 29, 2006 in Monterrey. is a website created by a couple, obviously parents of triplets, where they tell their path to parenthood and their experience as parents, in which many parents will be identified. In addition, they provide data on procedures and aid for multiple births. (thanks Jose)

Also on almost every website about babies and maternity as Babies and more you can find information about pregnancy, childbirth and twin care.

Video: One family: twins, triplets, and then another set of twins (July 2024).