The evolution of man to "homo dad"

It is clear that more and more men are convinced of the benefits of equality and, as couples and fathers, exercise their responsibilities within the home and with their children. But there is still a long way to go so that many of these men are not considered calzonazos, and therefore fight the Department "Men for Equality" of Jerez de la Frontera.

And it does so with very different proposals, although today we want to focus on these cartoons made by Jose Manuel Sobrino Carrasco. The comic is titled "The evolution of monkey man to homo dad", and is part of the photography and comic exhibition "Men in process of change", organized by the Department.

In the images we can see how the evolution of man occurs, who still does not walk upright, since he is watching television and does not help at home until, little by little, he begins to sit up and water the plants, make purchases, even offers to scrub.

In the end, already become "homo dad" and fully incorporated (Finally homo sapiens!), plays with her baby after having fixed the house and wait for mom to come home. I want to think that in this fantasy the father had it easy to reduce the day or request a leave of absence, something that as we know does not always happen.

The Department "Men for Equality", of the Delegation of Equality and Health of the City Council of Jerez de la Frontera, is a municipal department that is made by men and aimed at men, which aims to favor the masculine shift towards egalitarian attitudes, convinced of the importance of the commitment of men in the eradication of sexist attitudes.

In a society that continuously transmits sexist values, it is easy for gender stereotypes to pass to our children almost without realizing it, and it is the task of the whole society to try to keep those beliefs from perpetuating. It is in the hands of men and women, of fathers and mothers.

I recommend you take a look at the rest of the comics that together with "The evolution of monkey man to homo dad" They are part of this exhibition "Men in process of change", because there are very ingenious ideas that divide the equality of men and women at home and in the education and care of children, as we do.

Video: The Evolution of Man (July 2024).