Placenta previa is more common in babies in vitro

Future moms who conceive their children through assisted reproduction techniques, are up to six times more likely to suffer from placenta previa. This is the conclusion of a study by Norwegian experts who have reviewed more than 800,000 gestations.

Although the causes that cause the placenta previa are still not very clear, they have related some causes such as a late pregnancy, a multiple pregnancy, having suffered an abortion or a C-section, or even habits such as using cocaine or smoking. Now researchers also relate in vitro fertilization thanks to a comparison made between women who conceived a baby naturally and those who conceived it through this assisted reproduction system. The conclusion of the study suggests that assisted reproduction greatly influences the risk of previous placenta and postulates the theory that the development of the previous placenta may be due to the position in which the embryo is implanted inside the uterus. In addition, it should be added that the treatments that use hormonal stimulation can cause contractions forcing the embryos to nest in the lower part of the uterus.

There is no doubt that the techniques used for assisted reproduction should be studied in depth and thus alleviate the possible risk that a future mother has of suffering from a previous placenta. The Norwegian study is one more step to improve fertilization techniques.

Video: High Risk Pregnancy: Placenta Concerns (July 2024).