Women with low weight, more likely to have abortions

Although there are no specific causes that cause an abortion, there are some risk factors that can influence.

Among the most frequent are the mother's older age, having suffered previous abortions or infertility. Although there are other supposed risk factors such as smoking, alcohol or caffeine.

A new cause could now be added. According to a study, the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (United Kingdom), Women who have a low body mass index before becoming pregnant are 72 percent more likely to have an abortion in the first three months of pregnancy.

However, the researchers point out that women who took vitamin supplements during the first months reduced their risk by about 50 percent.

Likewise, eating fresh fruits and vegetables daily also halved the chances of abortion.

And listen to this. A joy for the body associated with the benefits of the majar of the gods. Chocolate consumption was also associated with a lower risk.

Some curiosities. Planned pregnancies are less likely to be lost, while women who took more than a year to get pregnant were more prone to abortion than those who conceived three months after trying.

On the other hand, having nausea and discomfort is a good sign. The women who suffered them were less likely to have an abortion, and the greater the symptoms of malaise, the greater the likelihood of continued pregnancy.

Increasingly, researchers point to factors that have to do with lifestyle such as stress, low weight or relationships as possible causes of losing the baby during pregnancy.

Video: What Actually Happens When You Have An Abortion? (July 2024).