Childbirth Party, invited to the delivery room?

It is clear that the birth of a baby is a great joy for parents, family and friends, but from there to organize a Childbirth Party… Yes, this is the new fashion in the United States, where not only does the father enter the delivery room, but that also there are guests to contemplate the birth of the baby.

As we read in the news, it is the New York Times, who has called this fashion Parto Party, and says that hospitals are being equipped by placing seats for family and friends invited to the big event, not forgetting the professional photographer

Has childbirth become a show? We personally think that it is crazy, the birth of a child is an intimate moment in which the mother has to surrender completely, and the "public" can cause distraction or greater stress at a delicate moment. Some say that the fact of having hospitalized the delivery, has caused the great event to be less shared, to be a social event in which the nearby people and a midwife were, to find themselves in a strange place with unknown people and with the Only possibility to choose a companion, and there may be families who do not agree with it.

Anyway, the future mother will be the one who must choose who will be by her side at the time of delivery, whether intimate or become an extravagance, it will be one of the happiest moments of her life, there is no doubt about that.

Video: The pregnancy test was negative. . then I gave birth in a hotel toilet! - BBC (July 2024).