How to help your child if he pees in bed

The daughter of 3 and a half years of friends has failed to stop peeing, not only at night, nor controls the urine when she is in the nursery. Sometimes parents wonder if they have a bad time with other children or an educator is not right with her, because when they are at home, the little girl asks to go to the bathroom.

After asking various questions to teachers and other parents of children who go to the same nursery, they find no reason to relate it and the pediatrician has not given them any solution, other than some advice and patience.

But not happy with the answer (sometimes it happens), they have looked for a book that will teach them how to behave to help their little daughter learn to control sphincters, because what they are sure of is how bad the girl goes when It has been wet. The book is the work of José Cáceres, a psychologist with great experience in solving children's problems, it is called How to help your child if he pees in bed. In it they have found in the first place the differences of urinary incontinence, primary enuresis ... and a lot of answers that parents like them are made about their child.

They have also met with simple and clear words the stages through which their little one has to go through and the motivation she needs in learning, what to do and what not to do, always supporting the girl in the worst moments and with strategies to solve it.

They have not yet been able to carry out everything, but we hope they will soon get good results from reading this book and learning from their little one.

If you also need to help your child not to pee in bed, you can purchase this book in your bookstore or through the network for only 11 euros.

Video: How to Help a Child Stop Wetting the Bed (July 2024).