Prevention of iodine deficiency in pregnancy

In Babies and more we already explain how important iodine is during pregnancy and breastfeeding for the good development of our baby, well, tomorrow, the symposium will be held in the XVII Congress of the Andalusian Society of Family and Community Medicine "Preventing iodine in pregnancy", where they will discuss the issue among health professionals so that the value of good prevention in pregnant women is extended.

Recall that iodine deficiency can cause serious problems in babies, such as hypothyroidism or mental retardation. The iodine that the fetus receives is the one that the future mother contributes through the feeding, between 200 and 300 micrograms are needed to satisfy the needs of both, if this is not enough, it is combined with a daily consumption drug that must be prescribed the doctor and that usually contributes 200 micrograms of iodine. This drug should be prolonged throughout pregnancy and lactation. One of the sources of iodine that is used is iodized salt, but during pregnancy it is not enough, to which we must add that in pregnancy the salt consumption should be limited.

Prevention should always be done as soon as possible, so if you are planning to get pregnant, you can already consult with your doctor about the possible need to start taking iodine, remember that the brain of the fetus develops during the first weeks of gestation.

Video: What is a Goiter? Enlarged Thyroid (July 2024).