Vaccinate babies against drugs in Britain

Just as babies are vaccinated against hepatitis or chickenpox, in Britain they plan to include a vaccine for babies against drug addiction.

It seems like a joke but it's true. The Tony Blair government will launch a national plan that provides for newborns to undergo a vaccine capable of suppressing vital chemicals to get addictions to cocaine, tobacco and other substances.

Thus they believe that they will prevent today's babies from becoming addicted to drugs in the future. As a kind of insurance based on chemical inhibitors that prevents your child from using drugs, tobacco or alcohol when he is older.

As they reported, there are scientists who are already working on two vaccines capable of reducing the effects of heroin and cocaine addiction.

The saddest thing is that the main reason for the measure is to reduce the huge costs of drug treatment that the state must face.

I mean, isn't it better to educate children about the drug problem than to vaccinate them?

Or do they plan to solve everything with a flat tire? Will there also be a vaccine that inhibits the mechanisms to be a criminal, rapist or criminal?

It seems crazy to me, a pointless measure. Of course I would not vaccinate my children against drugs. And you?

Video: The Journey of Your Childs Vaccine (July 2024).