How to burn a burn

Child accidents are a fact, the curiosity of children sometimes causes some unfortunate accident. A habitual accident is to burn for example with the iron, in an oversight of mom, the child touches her out of curiosity by burning. It may also be the case that being in the kitchen, your curiosity leads you to touch some of the saucepans that are in the fire to prepare the food, for these reasons it is important that we know how to burn a burn.

In front of one burn from the little one, we must differentiate whether it is first, second or third grade to act in one way or another. When the burn is of the first degree, we differentiate it because only the epidermis is reddened affecting a small area, the solution that pediatricians advise against this type of burns is to cool it with cold water, since this will prevent the heat from spreading and can damage the deeper layers of the skin. After this it is always advisable to apply an anti-inflammatory ointment to the child. When the burn is second grade, the thing changes, we see how the burn is very red and blisters appear. This indicates that in addition to the surface of the skin, other deeper layers have also been affected. This type of burns can be treated at home but whenever we have the right thing, the wound should, as in the first degree, cool it with water and then disinfect it. Then we must apply an anti-inflammatory and then go to the pediatrician or to the emergency department to assess whether another type of ointment containing an antibiotic is needed.

Third-degree burns should not attempt to heal at home, you must go as quickly as possible to the emergency department. These burns have a black color and affects the deeper layers of the skin, muscles, blood vessels and nerve endings, a home cure is not enough.

Although prevention is best to avoid a burn, do not leave anything in the kitchen fire if we are not going to control it, do not leave the iron on while you are looking for something, a slight carelessness is enough for an accident to occur. All prudence is little when talking about the welfare of a child.

Video: First Aid for a Burn (July 2024).