Asthma during pregnancy

Asthmatic women who are waiting for a baby are often concerned if medications to treat their illness could do some harm to the baby in gestation.

As VelSid told us, doctors recommend that the mother does not neglect her treatment of asthma during pregnancy under any concept.

Coinciding with a recent report published in the British Medical Journal, the Argentine Association of Respiratory Medicine, reports that "the risk of using medication for the control of asthma in pregnancy seems to be much lower than the risk of adverse outcomes related to asthma not checked".

The consequences of a lack of oxygen in the mother's blood during an attack could be terrible for the baby, which can cause a decrease in the oxygen in the blood of the fetus which could mean a deterioration of growth and risks to its survival.

What problems could cause untreated asthma during pregnancy?

According to the Allergy & Asthma Network Mothers of Asthmatics, by ignoring treatment, pregnant women are exposed to an increased risk of preeclampsia, excessive vomiting, vaginal bleeding and premature delivery.

For the unborn child, it can cause stunted growth, premature delivery, low birth weight, low oxygen levels at birth, and even loss of life.

According to doctors, the period of pregnancy where asthma usually affects the most is during the third trimester, between weeks 24 and 36.

As far as possible, doctors recommend keeping their triggers away, such as dust mites, pollen, indoor mold, and irritants such as tobacco smoke, wood-fed stoves or fireplaces, perfumes, cleaning agents or sprays, between so many others Although in case of needing pharmacological treatment, most of the medications that are inhaled are appropriate for use in pregnant patients

Oxygen is vital for a healthy pregnancy. If you are pregnant do not neglect your treatment at all, especially at this time of year that is coming when the symptoms usually get worse.

Video: Asthma during pregnancy. Dr. Abhrodip Das English (July 2024).