How to encourage them to brush their teeth

With the appearance of the first milk teeth we must already be attentive to proper oral hygiene through gentle brushing. Obviously, in those moments they need our help, but, How can we encourage children to brush their teeth?

This does not mean they have to do it alone right away. Moreover, with the passing of the years, and if we do not want visits to the dentist to be advanced, we should help them and do “reviews” or thorough cleaning with them on many occasions until the technique is correct and they have sufficient skill to do it alone correctly.

But a two-year-old can start brushing his teeth, and let's see some tips to make him want to.

  • Let's preach with the example. We know that little ones do what they see in their parents. If we usually brush our teeth, that they see it is a good idea, and that they see that we do it with pleasure and after washing our mouth we are happy with the result. Curiosity and imitation will soon, long before two years, want to take their own toothbrush.
  • It is important precisely to tell them about the good results, those that are seen and those that are not. Just like a freshly bathed child, the good smell, clean skin, shiny hair can be praised ... from the mouth we can highlight “how good it smells”, “how teeth shine”, “what a beautiful smile”…
  • And, although it is not a matter of scaring them, but realistically and always adapting to their understanding, say everything we can prevent with a healthy mouth. Let's explain why oral hygiene is important. Adapting to their level, they must know that good health is also in the mouth, and that neglecting it would involve pain and other discomfort and inconvenience.
  • Help us brush our teeth. In the same way that we help them, the little ones will also be willing to help us: let them "help" us brush our teeth on occasion, making it a healthy game.
  • Brushing as part of a routine. If we forget every two to three of brushing our teeth, they will have it as something exceptional. For the habit to be established correctly, it would be desirable to establish a daily routine, after each meal.
  • It's good Let the child look while brushing his teeth. We can use a stool so that it is at the height of the bathroom mirror and so the sink also arrives (always with our help and presence to avoid accidents).
  • Brush our teeth together. Precisely in front of the mirror is a good place to see us together doing this task.
  • Although we have to let them brush their teeth, as we say we have to help them. Sharing the wash (you first, then I review) is a good idea until the child is older, as we discussed at the beginning.
  • Perhaps for some children, the most hurried and impatient, it is a good idea to have a small time marker (stopwatch, hourglass) that catches their attention and makes them more patient when they have enough time to brush their teeth.
  • Accompany the brushing of a music or song that children like, if they are very reluctant to brush their teeth.
  • My oldest daughter loves an online game that I told you about, in which a girl has to clean the leftover food left in her teeth.
  • Then, when I help her, she is very interested in my instructions about toooodo what I am "removing" from her teeth (basically, a review of the entire menu). A small game that makes the moment more enjoyable.

As we see, there are many ways to encourage children to brush their teeth and establish this habit as part of a healthy way of life. The main thing, as so many times in our achievements as parents and children, is patience, help to the child and accompaniment.

Video: How to brush your child's teeth Comment brosser les dents de votre enfant (July 2024).