With pregnancy rheumatoid arthritis improves markedly

A study presented at the VIII Annual European Rheumatology Congress shows that During pregnancy, future mothers suffering from rheumatoid arthritis suffer a marked improvement in the disease, especially during the third month of gestation.

In the study, data were taken from 124 women suffering from this disease and it was found that up to 40% of them suffered a very important improvement and 64% experienced a slight improvement or at least a stagnation of this disease. Rheumatoid arthritis is characterized by its incidence in young women, data indicate that up to 70% of people who suffer from it are women. Too bad that this improvement is only temporary, since after the birth, the disease makes a dent again in those who suffer from it, it would be very interesting to discover the causes that cause this improvement to be able to design specific medications that will alleviate the effects of the disease.

There are many women who suffer from this disease, an estimated 1,700,000 throughout Europe, a fact to be taken into account due to its impact. The specialists look for the formulas that allow to reduce the incidence of the disease, treatments, preventions… but without a doubt one of the keys to study is why this disease improves during the third month of pregnancy?

Video: Haywire: Autoimmune Disorders in Women (July 2024).