Less gymnastics in schools ?, a bad decision of the Catalan Ministry of Education

On many occasions we have talked about how important and beneficial it is for our children to regularly exercise, thanks to it they improve their development and prevent problems such as overweight and obesity. However, it seems that the Catalan Ministry of Education does not know anything about this, it has apparently decided reduce the hours dedicated to gymnastics in primary education from 525 to 385 hours.

A single hour of gymnastics seems enough for children, logically doctors and teachers disagree and alert the population about the negative effects and possible consequences of this decision. At the moment, the Catalan Society of Family and Community Medicine has already requested the rectification of this decision, the arguments used are the figures that our country shows and specifically Catalonia on childhood obesity. It is really something incomprehensible, it goes against the current plans of the Spanish Ministry of Health and Consumption that seeks to promote and improve physical activity as one of the solutions to reduce overweight and obesity in our country.

The decision of the Catalan Ministry of Education is subject to the prioritization of some subjects such as languages, for which it sacrifices hours of exercise and extends the hours dedicated to studying certain subjects.

In our opinion it is also a wrong solution, if the children carried out extracurricular activities in that field, possibly neither the professors nor the doctors would claim this decision, but the reality is that there are few extracurricular activities dedicated to physical exercises and there are fewer children who They perform them. There are also many parents who prefer that their children go to English classes rather than football, for example. Everything is important, but health is paramount.

At a time when trying to fight both overweight and obesity this decision is undoubtedly a jug of cold water.

Video: No Agenda Episode 1132: "False meme-ification" (July 2024).