Prevent the Internet fixation of children

On numerous occasions we have realized the importance of the good use of the Internet by the smallest of the house, and the responsibility of the parents in it. Mar Monsoriu, the author of Hacker Techniques for Parents, notes that the children who can be most affected by the dangers of the Internet are those who suffer the most neglect by his parents.

These children will seek attention through the Web, and of course spending a lot of time, and alone, in front of the computer, something we should avoid. Some important tips from Mar Monsoriu, a graduate in Information Sciences, are focused on a greater involvement of parents in the world of their children, in which the Internet will probably be installed sooner or later

"Talk to the children, reach agreements, share with them the maximum possible digital experiences and educate them in the prudent use of technology."

We also remember that it is best to put the computer in a common place in the home, such as the living room, to limit access hours. Supervise the programs that are installed, leave the webcam until they are of legal age and obviously know (and use) Messenger, social networks, email

In this way we will avoid the "self-education" of the little ones in technology, and we will help and teach them how to get into it. At first, the best is do not leave them alone with the Internet.

If we do not know that world in which they handle themselves with ease, we will escape all those potential dangers that they may encounter. When the little ones see the responsible use that adults do from the Internet, it is easier for them to also make that use. Thus also, from school, and once they have the base from home, they should promote that beneficial use offered by the Network.

Video: Your childs bones can be fixed seamlessly with an innovation developed in Kenya (July 2024).