A baby is born free from the evil of Huntington that he would inherit from his parents

We were talking yesterday about a case in the United Kingdom of preimplantation genetic diagnosis that will prevent a baby from being born with hereditary breast cancer, and today another very similar good news brings us closer to Spain.

It has been in Seville, at the Osuna Hospital, where it has taken place the birth of the first Andalusian baby born free of Huntington's disease that his parents carried, thanks to the use of preimplantation genetic diagnosis, a technique that 6 children with various pathologies have already benefited in Andalusian public health since June 2005.

In addition, the good news does not end here, because in this hospital they facilitate a natural and more humanized birth, and the mother was able to choose the position in which she wanted to bring her baby to the world, a child of 3,340 kilos that is in perfect condition.

Huntington's disease is a degenerative illness Neurological, progressive, hereditary and for which there is no cure yet. It is characterized by the death of neurons, which causes uncontrollable movements and mental deterioration, among other dysfunctions.

So the news can not be more hopeful for more and more parents who in the future could prevent their children from inheriting certain diseases.

Video: Preaching to a young man about music, Satan and what to do to see Jesus Christ face to face (July 2024).