"The personalized service is a great advantage of our services". Interview with Daida Ojeda, mother by day

We started these days, in which many families are considering what option to choose for the care of their children the following year, to investigate the Mothers of Day, which is a formula increasingly sought by Spanish parents as it promotes a very careful Customized for babies and toddlers. We start interviewing Daida Ojeda, mother by day, in front of Game and Learn.

When and how are Mothers Day born?

Mothers of the Day are born with the Waldorf methodology, which defends the home environment as the best environment for children in the early stage of their childhood. Offering individual treatment to each child. It works with small groups to offer a personalized service.

What is the legal framework in Spain?

Currently in the Canary Islands there are no specific laws for this service, therefore, to be within the law, you have to register in the Social Security as a freelancer and take out civil liability insurance. The greatest security is guaranteed in the space of greatest conditioned activity time for children. Then in the rest of the home, the measurements are those of any home, blocked outlets, cleaning products on high shelves, etc.

What requirements must be fulfilled?

Normally, women who dedicate themselves to this profession have studies in the branch of early childhood education, pedagogy, etc. There is no compulsory training since there is no legislation on this service. But I think we agree that we all have regulated training and then much less behavioral and more natural complementary training with the child's reality.

How do you guarantee the safety, healthiness of the spaces?

Health is greater than a common home because of the hustle and bustle of children during the day. Daily maintenance is done in the afternoon - night when children are gone and on weekends thorough cleaning.

What kind of contract is made with the parents, if any?

I do not carry out any type of contract in writing since the families that use this service already place a lot of trust in us and a greater bond is created than that of a simple service.

Are there movements or organizations that work for a greater implementation of the Mothers of the Day?

Luckily, if there are networks of Mothers by Day, such as those in Madrid, and that also want to provide coverage to other communities and also exist in Andalusia, one has recently been created in Aragon.

What are the advantages for children compared to daycare?

Mainly, personalized treatment, respect for the child, we accompany the child in their learning, empathizing with them, creating such a close bond between us and the children.

And regarding the babysitter?

We offer an educational program. We accompany the child and educate.

Are there advantages for parents?

We offer a service according to your work schedule needs, a warm and loving place for your children. And honestly, I believe that the greatest advantage is to see your children growing happily and see that they are accompanied and sustained in their day to day.The price is stipulated every Mother of Day, but normally, the full day of a small round about € 350.

What psychopedagogical approach do you give to the services of Madre de Día and how do you organize times and spaces?

The main thing is to adapt to the maturity and demand of each child. I use alternative methodologies, such as Montessori, Waldorf, etc. I believe that the Mothers of Days the main psychopedagogical approach we give is attention to diversity, for the personalized treatment we offer.

I do not have rigidly structured time, although every day, there are spaces for free play at home, abroad, we go out to the park, time for food, toilet and nap. The activities also depend on how the children are that day, with more energy or less, what they want to do and the weather. I have corners of different games, symbolic, construction, reading and Montessori material.

At what ages do you attend and how do you define yourself?

I take care of children under 3 years old and that there are children of different ages improves the services because it enriches everyone with the diversity of age. I, as a mother by day, am the person who accompanies, supports children when their parents cannot be with them, giving them affection and sincere affection and gives them an education according to their maturity rhythm, without judging and without labeling.

I like to use the comparison: That we are a family with brothers of different ages.

You we thank Daida Ojeda for the interview she has given to Babies and more and we will continue talking with experts who are going to help us get to know the mothers by day.

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