Mothers who give birth naturally are more sensitive to baby crying

Mothers who give birth through a natural birth they are more sensitive to the crying of their children than those who have given birth by caesarean section, according to a study published in 'The Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry'

To reach this conclusion, a study was carried out by means of brain magnetic resonances of the mothers between the first two and four weeks after delivery.

In this way they were able to objectify that mothers who had had a natural birth had more sensitive regions of the brain where it is believed that regular emotions, motivations and behaviors are regulated.

James Swain, lead author of the study explains that they were wondering "What areas of the brain are less activated when births are caesarean, since this intervention is associated with a decrease in maternal instinct in animal models, and a tendency to postpartum depression in humans." The ability to develop behaviors and attitudes of care and understanding of babies is related to a series of brain and hormone circuits. In vaginal delivery, contractions of the uterus and vagino-cervical stimulation trigger secretion by the posterior pituitary gland of oxytocin, also called the love hormone because it is key in the maternal behavior of animals.

It seems that the results support the theories that the conditions of light and environmental, as in the caesarean section, "It is what alters the neurohormonal experiences of childbirth, and could diminish the responsiveness of the mother's human brain after childbirth."

In his opinion, "This work could lead to the early detection of families at risk for postpartum depression and other problems."

I have tried to find the study but I have not found it (I am a little clumsy) because I was interested in knowing the approach of the study and answering some questions that the article has caused me:

When they talk about natural birth, I don't know if they refer to vaginal delivery or what we know in Spain as natural birth, that is, without epidural, respecting the times and rhythms, etc.

In case of referring to natural childbirth as we know it here, it is possible that the sensitivity to crying is prior to the type of childbirth they live. That is, if the mother requests to give birth in a natural way, perhaps she has a more respectful parenting vision in reference to crying before having your baby.

Even so, it is interesting to see how the environment and the type of birth can hormonally affect the mother and therefore cause some behavioral differences between some mothers and others.

Video: AP focus on high mortality rate for mothers during childbirth (July 2024).