Prawn and avocado salad. Recipe for pregnant women

Although pregnant women have to control the weekly portions of fish and shellfish they eat, this does not mean they can never indulge, so we present this shrimp and avocado salad, which can be as healthy and tasty as possible, taking well boiled seafood.

It will also provide a significant amount of sodium, potassium, phosphorus, folic acid, vitamins A and E.

The ingredients for 4 people

1 bag of mezclum, 1 avocado, 1 red tomato, 1/2 fresh onion, 1 garlic, 150 grams of cooked peeled prawns, 4 tablespoons of sweet corn, oil, juice of 1/2 lemon, vinegar, salt, pepper.

The preparation

In a large bowl, mix the bag of mezclum, with the peeled and broken avocado, the broken tomato, the corn and the prawns. Sprinkle with lemon juice and stir.

Prepare a vinaigrette in a small bowl with chopped onion and garlic, a stream of vinegar, salt, pepper and oil. We stir energetically so that the ingredients are well united.

We pour the vinaigrette over the salad and stir.

Preparation time | 10 minutes
Difficulty | Low


We will serve the cool salad, in the same bowl or distributed in individual bowls.

This salad is quite complete, so it can accompany a omelette and we will have one ready Dinner for example.

Video: Salads: Cucumber Tomato Avocado Salad Recipe - Natasha's Kitchen (July 2024).