Child safety tips in the garden

With the good weather, the garden It becomes one of the playgrounds preferred by children. It is good and stimulating to be in contact with nature, but there are some child safety tips that we must take into account to avoid accidents.

If the garden also has a pool, we must also take into account the child safety tips in the pool, especially with regard to the fence to prevent falls into the water when they are playing in the garden.

The games in the garden are educational, since they not only have fun but also learn questions related to plants, insects, the little ones discover the texture of the earth, the grass, the smell and the color of the flowers ... there is everything A world to discover in a garden.

But for the appearance to be positive and free of danger, there are certain garden safety tips We must put into practice.

  • Avoid placing obstacles on the ground with which the child could trip or objects that could be harmed such as, for example, irrigation mouths, pointed fences, decorative elements that could be dangerous.

  • Tools (rakes, scissors, etc.) and toxic products (fertilizers, fertilizers, pesticides, etc.) should be well stored in places that children cannot access. Always on high, in safe boxes, or in locked sheds, as far away from the smallest possible range.

  • If we have children at home, avoid poisonous plants, extremely allergies and plants with thorns. Any carelessness would cause the child to be intoxicated, hurt or suffer a severe allergic reaction. It is best to leave those plant species for when the children are older.

  • Periodically check the state of tree branches. It is important if a branch is very dry and falls on children or when they climb the tree.

  • Teach the child not to eat the plants and flowers, although of course we always have to be watching that he does not.

  • If you have a sandbox in the garden, try to cover it when it is not being used, since the dogs and cats of the neighborhood have a special weakness for doing "their things" in the sand.

  • If you have (or want to install) games for children make sure that they are well anchored to the ground and that they comply with all the required safety measures (safe installations, rounded finishes, materials that prevent burns, etc.)

  • Cover the water wells very well and always keep closed the place where the machines are located, both those of the pool, if there is one, or others such as lawn mowers or electric saws.

  • Finally, teach children to let you know whenever they go out to play in the garden.

Video: ABC's of Safety (July 2024).