Precautions to take when they begin to crawl

When we are used to our baby sitting or lying for a while, playing with something or exploring its closest environment, we suddenly realize that it begins to move.

As simple as that, they begin to crawl a good day (they usually crawl before crawling) and the small habitat in which they lived (where their arms were still) becomes an entire floor with its dangers and risks. That is why we must take some precautions when they start crawling.

The goal is to offer the baby a safe environment that offers a certain degree of freedom of movement and exploration. For this we will probably have to condition our house taking into account the following:

  • Plug the plugs: There are several solutions for both independent plugs and typical plug strips. Some are used to cover the plug, others give the possibility of using the plug in a twist that unlocks it and others collect the cables to avoid pulling, biting, etc.
  • Protect the corners: all those corners likely to represent a risk for the baby should also be protected (some baseboards, low tables, drawers near the play area, ...).
  • Keep cleaning products out of reach: Store cleaning products and everything that may be toxic to babies in a closet that cannot be accessed.
  • Avoid possible "stairs": often without realizing the furniture, plants or some things that we put near the furniture make a false staircase that helps them to climb. A planter or pot next to the balcony railing can help you to look out (it gives me repelús just thinking about it), the subwofer can make you the first step to get on the TV cabinet, a chair or bench can help you get on the bed or table under the window.
  • Secure cabinets and windows (and TV!): there are safety locks that can be used to avoid those cabinets, drawers or windows that are most dangerous (in my house for example we change the handles of the PVC windows with ones with lock). We must also ensure those furniture that may fall if the drawers are opened and even the television. Now that they are flat and much larger than in the past it is very easy to grab them and dump them.
  • Remove tablecloths and rugs: It is usual that on the tables there are objects, whether decorative (vases, centerpieces, ...) or practical (plates, glasses, TV controls, ...) and a mat or tablecloth is a perfect means for the child throw everything and, worse, to throw it over.
  • Remove or hide cables and ropes: As I said above, we must try to hide the cables (yes, also those of the Home Cinema speakers that go above the socket), due to the danger of entanglement or strangulation that they entail. They also love to suck them and when they have teeth gnaw them (scary, huh?). The regulations on toys indicate that any string that includes a maximum of 30 cm, because this measure (and if it can be less better) is the one that the cords or strings with which they can ever meet.
  • Plants outside: The plants are almost always at a perfect height for children to browse through them. It is clear that gardening products are far from being fit for human consumption, so ideally they cannot take a handful of soil and put it in their mouths.

You probably left me some more advice. Children sometimes arrive where our head did not arrive and many times the solutions are carried out when the problem has already occurred.


For this reason I summon all the fathers and moms to whom explain us your experiences when making home a safer place for our little explorers.

Photos | Flickr (ingorrr), Closedglobal In Babies and more | The baby has begun to crawl, what are the minimum safety standards at home ?, Home accidents are the first cause of child mortality

Video: Baby not walking- What to do? Is walker safe for babies? (July 2024).