Wheel umbrella, umbrella with seal wheels for kids

Rainy days are a party for kids. They can put on raincoats, put on their boots and step on puddles. But one of the things they like the most is to use the umbrella, something that the elders usually hate, especially when it stops raining and we have to carry it everywhere.

To solve this problem, three Taiwanese designers (Yu-Ting Cheng, Yu-Hsun Chung and Shaw-Chen Chen, for more data) have decided to turn the umbrella into a toy and have created Wheel Umbrella, an umbrella with seal wheels for kids.

Not only is it a good idea to carry the umbrella when it has stopped raining, but the poor umbrella is giving boats against the asphalt, but the wheels incorporate seals with faces that are printed on the street every time they pass by puddle.

I loved the concept. And not only me, it has been presented at the international design week in Berlin and has garnered good impressions. Will we see him soon in the streets? Let's hope.

Video: Gas Heated Umbrella - Because British Weather (July 2024).