Dads and moms blogs (XXVII)

One more week we will offer you the result of our visits to moms and dads blogs, with which we want to share with our readers all the resources and experiences that surprise and excite us on the web.

We started this week by the blog We got boobs, one of the best personal blogs in the field of motherhood, both for its literary quality and for the richness and depth of its contents. Ileana, Cuban by birth, nationalized Spanish and resident in the Canary Islands, puts in this blog all her passion as a mother and her knowledge as a journalist, achieving a job that I deeply admire.

This week brings us an interview with Claudio Naranjo, a psychiatrist and one of the most cited characters currently in the sociological reflections, which, quite rightly in my opinion, states that the evil of our society is the patriarchal mentality and that the great failure of education is that parents fall into transmitting old values ​​when it is necessary to create new values. Very interesting and deep, I recommend it. Whether or not you agree with their approaches is really interesting.

She also explains an alternative that she believes would be appropriate to offer women who have an unwanted pregnancy, adoption, which is completely forgotten as a real possibility that they could freely choose if they received support in pregnancy and information.

Another blog of great depth is Kebuskas? , in which Merche impresses us with poems about motherhood and also shares with us an article about the essence of wolf that of the woman and mother, inspired by the work "Women who run with the wolves".

Although I must confess that what has impacted me the most this week has been the reflection made by psychotherapist Gabriela Bianco about the rent bellies telling a fact that she was a painful observer.

In ZGZ, Pro Natural Birth I have enjoyed Estafanía's recommendation about enjoying our tits, which are after all a part of our body that serves to feed, comfort, warm, comfort or pamper our son and worry less if he picks up, if She is too fat or too small.

Monica, from Free Family He teaches us the "Kanji" that his son Carlos does, some Japanese ideograms that are his first written words. I loved them, so creative and interesting.

Azu, from Casseroles and hugs, before the holidays, he delights us with his son's sweet shushi recipe Tristany and Malena shares with us an original craft that is a scrapbook that looks like a sandcastle.

Finally, Yasmin, from Learning from Adrián He compiles interviews with Carlos González, Rosa Jové and a magnificent article recently appeared in El País, all in the way of offering ideas to parents who want a more empathic and respectful education for their children.

Finally I present I'm more than a mom, the blog of one of our readers, Estanjana, who reflects on what a "normal" family is.

We will continue visiting and reading dad's blogs and mMore to introduce you next week a new review.

Video: Sht Punjabi Mothers Say (July 2024).