Home safety tips with babies starting to walk

The baby's first steps are a milestone in its development that are recorded in our memory as an exciting moment. When the baby begins to walk a new stage is inaugurated with explorations, discoveries, different challenges ... and new dangers.

That is why it is important to consider certain Safety tips for babies who start walking, so that in this new stage everything goes smoothly as far as possible.

Some recommendations are not new, and in fact they will continue with us and our children a few more years. Mainly it is about adapting our home to the needs of children and facilitating a safe transit through it.

Home Security Tips

  • Walking is not a skill that is mastered overnight. Babies who take their first steps need our support and supervision for weeks until they learn to function better on their feet.
  • The walkers, who are not advised to learn to walk because of the high risk of accidents that they entail, can continue to tip over, causing falls and injuries at this stage.
  • The doors and steps they are no longer obstacles for them (in fact, they were no longer during crawling). The doors must be secured by closing them if we do not want the baby to enter certain rooms at a time of neglect. Security fences must be put on the stairs.
  • If we use low stools or folding steps to facilitate their small tasks now that they are standing (brushing their hands, brushing their teeth), we must be careful not to get on them if we are not present, keeping them if we are not giving use.
  • Drawers and cabinets are now within reach. If we do not want to use safety closures in cabinets and shelves We will have to make sure that there is nothing dangerous inside.
  • In relation to the previous point, it must be verified that potentially dangerous objects such as sharp or sharp, wires, cords, scissors, knives ... are not within reach of the child. It is also essential to always remember to keep them in a safe place once we have used them.
  • Plastic bags and small objects such as buttons, batteries, marbles or small pieces of toys should not be left within the reach of small children.
  • Children can pull the tablecloths that hang from the tables, knocking down (or, worse, on top of themselves) all the content.

  • The plugs are a source of attraction for babies and children. You have to cover those within your reach to avoid accidents, including those of the strips.
  • Next to the plugs, the rest of the heat sources in the home must be controlled: the radiators have to wear protectors, the stoves are not within reach, the kitchen utensils and hot meals in places where they cannot dump them, avoid matches or lighters ...
  • Never leave the baby alone in the bathtub or in high places, such as changing tables, beds or changing tables. A hand should be kept at all times on the child to avoid falls.
  • The danger of home poisoning also increases at this stage. In the case of medicines as well as cleaning products, plants and beverages or alcoholic products, it is important that they are left out of the reach of children, in high cabinets or closed drawers.
  • It is recommended that the place of home where children are more time (where they play ...) there is a carpet to cushion possible falls, apart from making them more comfortable if they walk barefoot on occasion.
  • If we leave other people in charge of our children, we must ensure that they know all the safety regulations to avoid accidents.
  • When we visit other houses and enclosed spaces, it is likely that they are not conditioned and some of the above recommendations are breached, so we will have to be attentive at every step of the baby.

As we see, all Safety tips for babies who start walking It is summarized in the need to adapt the house to a child who knows no limits to their desire to explore but who does not know the dangers either.

Photos | Johnath and Fabio Bruna on Flickr-CC
In Babies and more | First aid: poisoning, Over-the-counter medications and children, Safety tips for homes with children, Dangers of home poisoning: medications

Video: What are safety tips for when my baby starts walking? (July 2024).