A new sentence in favor of the right to breastfeeding

Breastfeeding, despite being recognized as a right by legislation, remains one of the least effectively protected aspects. For that reason, it is worth noting the judicial decisions that defend it. In this case it is about a new sentence in favor of the right to breastfeeding.

A recent ruling has decided that the Balearic Health Service (Ib-Salut) must compensate a nurse from 061 who had requested an adaptation of her job to attend to the breastfeeding of your child under nine months.

The adaptation was denied so the mother requested a license during the period of breastfeeding, which was not granted. Therefore, the woman decided to claim her right judicially and now she has been proven right.

According to the union that represents it, it is unfortunate that the situation of "denying clearly recognized rights to healthcare professionals is reached, which has caused conflicts that would be avoided with mere compliance with the law, ending up in court, with the gross intention to save time. "

A nursing mother has the right to ensure that she cannot be infected with anything that affects the milk the baby receives, in addition to providing her with the peace of mind and time needed for breastfeeding, which, in the workplace of This mother's guard was not possible, but that also did not materialize in the logical license permit for breastfeeding reasons.

This license that the mother had requested is recognized by the General Law of Social Security, because the child's right must always be respected.

The protection of the child and the nursing mother should be a priority and companies, public or private, recognize and respect them, so, sentences like this in favor of the right to breastfeeding, I think they should be disseminated for greater involvement of all social agents.

Via | 20minutes In Babies and more | Judgment that recognizes the low work due to risk in breastfeeding, A flight attendant wins a trial to defend her breastfeeding, Do not give up breastfeeding for labor issues

Video: Breast Milk Storage Guidelines. CloudMom (July 2024).