"Babies: imagination to power", a documentary by Punset

This week Eduard Punset has presented us again in Networks 2.0 an interesting program that I recommend if you did not have the opportunity to see it on television. Its about documentary entitled "Babies: imagination to power", which teaches us of all the abilities of small, many more than we sometimes suppose.

Eduard Punset speaks on this occasion with the psychologist Alison Gopnik, especially what we are learning from the wonderful brain of our babies. The psychologist has spent years analyzing the development and learning of babies, and thanks to the interview we realize that they outperform us in many aspects, and that we must pamper them throughout their development.

The most important conclusion and in which to stop to reflect is that the time that babies and children spend to imagine and learn is related to the wisdom and intelligence they will have as adults. And that the ability that children have to learn and imagine exceeds that of adults. So that later we think we have nothing to learn from them ...

But the program also discusses other interesting aspects of babies that I will summarize. As we are the species with more "childhood" (with the longest learning period); that the period of immaturity and dependence of the parents is related to intelligence; the enrichment of the game; the different and imaginative way children have of seeing everyday objects; the return to the forgotten imagination that we adults do thanks to them ...

And above all that the portentous children's imagination, the central theme of the documentary, is your best tool to learn and know the world. That is why we have to let them daydream and allow them to fly with their imagination, learning from and with them in that unique experience.

The program, which we can see from the RTVE or Networks website, is presented as follows:

They revolutionize the lives of their parents when they arrive, they transform the vision we have of the world and are a very valuable source of new discoveries for neuroscience: they are babies.

In short, the Networks space leaves us again a fabulous work of dissemination with the Punset documentary "Babies: imagination to power". A recommended, interesting and enjoyable tour focused on babies, and their, still, great strangers of science, their brains.

Video: TWICE "Feel Special" MV (July 2024).