"Rationing" toys received at Christmas

In one of the recent family gatherings to celebrate Christmas, have you not had the impression that your children did not have time to assimilate the gifts they received? They had barely opened one, and they already had another waiting to be unwrapped. The avalanche of Christmas gifts is fulfilled again in greater or lesser average.

I have proven that it is so, that children do not have time to realize everything they have been given. And even more so if they add several days in a row in which they receive gifts (today at your family's house, tomorrow in mine ...).

In fact, at the time of writing these lines I have realized that, it is not only my daughters who do not remember all the gifts she has received, but I had forgotten some that we kept at the time. And is that we have decided to "ration the toys received at Christmas.

This year we may not insist too much that we needed clothes. We already had to set aside some of our gifts (the "small" gifts) because we considered that they had received an avalanche of toys. Some gifts will be given during Holy Week, others in summer, some may even reach their birthdays.

But we are going to do that with some gifts that they did receive and that, however, do not remember them, have not asked for or mentioned. There are also some that we consider are not appropriate for their age, so they also wait for sections to arrive at the right time.

These past days have received many, too many gifts. A phrase from my three-year-old daughter caught my attention when, after having developed a few, as her little sister still had a gift left, she asked for more. "Do you think it's too little?" "Yes, it seems little," he told me.

Surely he does not understand the scope of those words and simply repeated what I had said, but precisely that sense of "everything is little" is what we tried to avoid and I would not like in the future to think that having everything and more its normal.

So at ration the toys received at Christmas We give more use to those who now use and will soon be able to enjoy new ones. New, because they don't even remember having them in their hands. Surely they are more excited than at the time, when they could not appreciate them.

Video: Mean Tweets Hip Hop Edition (June 2024).