Getting pregnant

When a couple decides to have their first child, they are taking one of the most important steps of their life. The thoughts turn to the need to have a child and the couple starts with something fundamental, the conception. Many couples lavish the necessary love and dedication and yet the woman does not conceive, despite there being no contradiction or cause that justifies not becoming pregnant.

There are cases in which the desire to have a child can delay conception, in fact many doctors who assist couples who want to have a child, recommend not obsessing. Other causes also affect the delay of pregnancy, external problems, stress, etc.

It is necessary that the couple, before believing that there may be any physiological reason that prevents conception, comply with a series of measures that allow it. If these do not work, the specialist will indicate the steps to follow to get pregnant. Gynecologists recommend having sex one day before or one day after ovulation, the egg is usually released from the ovary on day 14 of the menstrual cycle, at which time a sperm can more easily capture the ovum on its way to The uterus.

To achieve a pregnancy everything influences, emotional state, age ... Losing patience is not good, you can not expect to conceive immediately, humans are not like other animals whose reproductive machinery is much more effective and conception is much more accurate .

Conceiving is not a difficult task if there is no health problem, most women get pregnant during the first or second year of the search. A lot of love, patience, tranquility and not obsessing is the fundamental thing.

Video: Female fertility animation (July 2024).