Dads and moms blogs (L)

Today, like every Tuesday, we bring you a review with some Featured content that we have been able to read this week on moms and dads blogs, in a tour of the Network of other looks and experiences with babies and children, of whom you have children or wish to have them.

This week I discovered The path of dreams ... , the newly released blog of Juan Carlos Pérez García, from which he intends to share his adventure on the path of becoming a father through surrogacy in India. These days we are excited to see that "Everything is underway" towards the dream of fatherhood.

Vivian Watson in A mother is born it leaves us a testimony of the disorder that sometimes ravages a home with young children, with graphic documents included You can already imagine that I feel very identified with this issue having my one and three year old girls who do not stop at home ...

Nicolas's mom These days he tells us how busy he is with a thousand and one tasks, that he has had migraine and how that pain that he has not remitted in several days makes it difficult to be aware of the child, although he cannot stop doing it. We wish him to improve and not repeat himself ...

Kiara's mom in Breeding in Contravía He tells us that his daughter has done a little challenge on a house wall. A small sample of the courage and tenacity of children who can get what they want.

We have also gone through Different maternity, where Eloísa leaves us the testimony of her great milk family. He tells us about all the milk brothers who have their children, having breastfed other children, children of relatives and friends, and unknown babies who turned to the milk banks where he was a donor. Congratulations on that large family of milk.

Very curious what explains us A mom in Germany in "The mechanical orange" about the rejection in Germany of oranges and the high acceptance of everything "bio" (although it is not too natural). All this, speaking of the constipation of babies and the remedy of giving orange juice, something that would be inconceivable there.

We finish with the beautiful post "Leaving the closet" by Miriam in Parenting and trust, which realizes how many times we feel influenced by the environment so as not to follow our instincts and, on other occasions, we stay “inside the closet” doing what the heart dictates to us. An impulse to get out of the closet and tell the world.

Hopefully this review has been interesting for you. Next week we will continue visiting Dads and moms blogs to offer you a compilation of what most attracts our attention in the blogosphere dedicated to motherhood and fatherhood, to the adventure of being parents that we all love.

Video: DAD & I SURPRISED MOM FOR HER BIRTHDAY! . Ry Velasco (July 2024).