The postpartum diet

Doctors care a lot about weight control during pregnancy, but in the puerperium We feel somewhat disoriented. The blessed hormones have revolutionized our body, we have a baby to take care of and when we look in the mirror we discover that our figure is not the same as before.

The weight loss after childbirth is gradual, it does not occur overnight. I once heard that it takes nine months to recover the figure, some more others less.

It is not the time to make strict diets, but a healthy, varied diet with food from all groups will contribute to control your weight and to provide the nutrients and minerals your body needs, especially if you are breastfeeding. Although breastfeeding does not mean you have permission to attack the refrigerator. The metabolism needs only an extra contribution of 500 calories daily for milk production.

A good meal plan consists of making five meals a day, eating a diet rich in fibers (vegetables, fruits, whole grains) ideal to prevent constipation, especially if you still have points.

Reduce the consumption of saturated fats, eat fish, lean meats and semi-skimmed dairy. Control sugars, chocolates, soda and other high-calorie foods. Better, cook steamed or grilled foods.

With these tips and a few daily walks with your baby, you will soon recover the figure before pregnancy.

Video: Healthy What I Eat In A Day. While Breastfeeding. Postpartum (July 2024).