Sing to cope with the pain of childbirth

Music is used as an effective therapy to help unlock physical and emotional tensions, as well as to eliminate anxiety and fear in childbirth. That's why many women believe that singing can help cope better with the pain of childbirth.

Singing is one of the natural methods that helps reduce the pain of contractions at the time of delivery. It has been tested in a maternity hospital in the Italian city of Mantua, in an investigation led by an obstetrician licensed in music therapy, and they have been able to observe that the song triggers the release of endorphins, substances with a sedative effect, which in turn act to reduce the pain of childbirth.

It is based on traditional methods of the ancient culture of India and Morocco, according to which the force with which the vocal cords are used to produce vibratory sounds can cause sedation that reduces pain.

The music has a relaxing effect and promotes self-awareness of the body itself, so it helps to alleviate possible fears related to childbirth and for the mother to gain greater self-confidence, an essential ingredient for a good birth.

The researchers found that with this method endorphins are produced that soothe the pain. But at the same time, when the pregnant woman relaxes the diaphragm and works with the respiratory muscles, she gets relaxation.

It is important to differentiate that singing is not the same as shouting, since choosing the right melody can become a very special connection between the baby and the mother.

So, you know, if you choose alternative methods of pain control when giving birth, keep in mind that singing can help cope better with the pain of childbirth.

Video: Breathing and Relaxation - How can I deal with pain and have a better labor and delivery experience? (July 2024).