Summary of the week from June 15 to 21 in Peques and More

Today we return among you to bring you the most outstanding publications of Peques and More, the blog aimed at families with children between five and 12 years old. We try to get closer to the world of these little people through advice, ideas, calls for activities and above all a lot of love, because our children bring us many joys and because all the time we dedicate them is little.

So you know, if you have older children you will find ideas on our pages for travel, health recommendations, many interesting readings, cooking recipes and interviews with professionals that will clarify many things on topics such as education, parenting, new technologies, etc. During these seven days we have oriented part of our efforts to write about education, we have dedicated a space to the tasks that some of our children will perform in summer, and also two articles to innovations in education, specifically Learn Without Chalk which is a study on interactive technologies in the classroom, and an experience of creative learning in the classroom from the CEIP Maestro Tarrazona of the Port of Sagunto.

The new technologies They are very present in Peques and Más, so we try to bring you applications that may be interesting to you, our partner Marcos always keeps us very up to date and on this occasion he has talked to us about some curious applications on the iPad for cats, you also have here a Very useful application for people suffering from language disorders, and that is that technology must adapt very well to the characteristics of different users.

And speaking of new technologies, we all want our children to learn to use them but with caution, that's why we have brought you this Save the Children initiative.

We are already in summer and that is why from our blog we inform you about summer fashion, and we also share fresh ice cream recipes, in our pages you will find many useful tips to deal with some of the problems of this season, such as mosquito bites. In the coming weeks many of you will travel and therefore we will be bringing resources to make your outings easier like this Children's Tourist Guide of Alicante and activities like this astronomy party in the Canary Islands.

I don't want to stop talking about readings and not about movies, because in Peques and Más we present the latest collections and premieres. Mucki's books and the Ben 10 movie have been present on our pages.

An interview with the President of the Association Intelligence and Life has occupied two articles during the weekend, we recommend reading: in the first part he has told us many interesting things about high capacities, and in the second about the failure of the system educational when educating potential higher intelligence.

And I do not want to end without telling you that we have also written about other topics such as children's activities in Zielo or rare diseases through the DEBRA association, on the other hand we know that sometimes families face special situations such as moving and We wanted to offer some advice.

And now yes, from Peques and Más we say goodbye until next week. Have fun and your children enjoy their well-deserved vacation.

Video: Lesson 22 - Practical lessons on deliverance - The Pioneer School Extra (July 2024).