Games and interactive stories of the cow Connie

The series "The cow Connie" is one of the favorites of young children, and we are all surprised by the curious composition of their cartoons, as "remnants" or very colorful and childish mosaics, which are mainly forming the backgrounds and characters The official site of La Connie cow has games, stories and fun activities for children.

I don't know if they will continue making these cartoons in which the nice cow Connie lives different adventures with her friends from the farm and the countryside (on YouTube we can see some chapter). But its website is a good opportunity for kids to have a good time.

The page of the cow Connie It is divided into three sections: stories, games and "Learning with parents". We can access it in Spanish, Catalan or Galician, and this is what we find in each part:

  • The games They are simple and fun, and a sound will tell the little ones when they do well. For the older ones (from three to five years old) is the game of couples or puzzles with images from the TV. For the little ones, after two years, there is the game of coincidences, where you have to find the same character in two different places; or the farm, where choosing the animals we will listen to its sound.

  • The interactive story It is divided into six parts, starting with the explanation of the reason for the adventure: find an animal that shines at night. On the last screen we will find the solution. All the animals that appear, from the forest, from the mountain ... explain some detail of his life.

  • The "Learn with parents" section has a section on Crafts to paint, trim and paste, for which the printer is needed. My four-year-old daughter has loved the activity of recognize letters and numbers. Something more complicated is the activity to form words, where children write names of animals and fruits.

We hope you have a fun time with your children exploring the games and interactive stories of the cow Connie, an endearing child character with an aesthetic that I love for cartoons.

Official Site | The Connie Cow In Babies and more | SpongeBob online games, Educational portal Enredarte, art for everyone, Caillou returns

Video: TGG Direct 2012 (July 2024).