Tourniquet syndrome in babies: eye with threads and hairs

There is a very rare syndrome that occurs mostly in babies. It's called the "tourniquet syndrome", although they can also call it "strangulation by hairs or threads" or "hair or fiber tourniquet syndrome".

It occurs when a thread or a hair (mainly usually from the mother) is curled up strangling a toe, hand, or baby's penis.

Strangulation affects the circulation of the limb causing edema and redness, which the less time it takes the easier it will be to treat. In the worst case, after several days a necrosis can occur, having to operate on the child to remove the hair or the thread that causes the tourniquet and assess the condition of the limb.

In Babies and more A mother alerts about "tourniquet syndrome" after her baby is about to lose her toes

As a symptom, the child will be irritable and cry for no reason. We will surely go to the doctor where they will find the cause. The treatment to be followed will be determined by the doctor after scanning and will depend on how long the baby takes his strangled finger.

They are cases that occur very infrequently, but I comment so that you begin to check the inside of your baby's socks and trim the threads that could be left, as well as pajamas, divers or blankets that could give off some fiber.

Don't forget to check your baby's toes, toes, and the baby's penis often (it may be at the time of bathing) to make sure that no hair or thread is curled up.

In Babies and more Turnstile syndrome with hair or threads: if you cry a lot, undress him!

Video: Breaking News - What is hair tourniquet  syndrome and how is it treated? (July 2024).