"Papa is not", a story about childish grief

The loss of a loved one always affects children, but what can we say if the one who dies is the father. Many questions arise: How to comfort a child? Can you understand? How to help you overcome it? All that we could not explain expresses it to us the story about the loss "Dad is not":

Leo lived happily with his dad, his mom and his cat. But one day Dad started to get weird ... and he never came back. Leo will begin a journey through denial, anger, negotiation, depression and acceptance until he finds it again.

This is the description of a story that wants to make it easier for us to talk with children about death, using the right words to understand us. Its author, Aurora Losada, and her son, have gone through this experience.

Its purpose is to help them talk about themselves in an indirect way, making puppets or toys talk. So we can approach their world, the way they build death and grieving processes and to the feelings that this type of events usually arouses in children.

Talking to children about death is complicated, and the author recommends that adults read its contents completely before doing so with the child, since not all children have the same needs, and that way the part can be selected of the right story.

The story about death "Dad is not" It has 48 pages widely illustrated in gloss coated, sold over the Internet and sent by mail. Its price, 14'95 euros plus shipping costs (normal or certified).

Official Site | Dad is not In Babies and more | Death: explanations by age, How to talk to children about death, How to explain to a child the death of a loved one

Video: TWICE "Feel Special" MV (July 2024).