Sell ​​lemonade against child labor

Vivienne is a 9 year old Californian girl that is determined to end child slavery in the world. His mission and dedication began on May 5, 2012 when he saw two brothers hand in hand, each carrying a stone tied in his head. Although she thought slavery was over with Abraham Lincoln (?) She realized that she didn't.

So he decided to help the children in the best way he knew, selling lemonade at the door of his house every day. She did it every afternoon and has been selling for a whole year. It has managed to raise more than $ 100,000 that has been allocated to an NGO that fights against child labor. As the lemonade at the door of the house has little route and she has seen that slavery is maintained she has decided to embark with her father on a more ambitious mission and together with him she has created a company to sell the lemonade through the Internet and thus arrive to more people. Your project is called Make a stand! Lemon - Aid.

So now they market, in donation mode, Lemonade bottles full of hope and dreams of freedom for children. You can buy 12 bottles of lemonade, organic and without any chemical treatment, from $ 29, without shipping costs, or $ 39 or $ 99 or make a donation. 50% of the income is sent to an NGO that fights against the eradication of child slavery.

The project is most exciting and we must congratulate Vivianne for the initiative. I imagine the experience of selling every day of the year! Lemonade has managed to refine and adjust the production process and that is why they can now do it on a larger scale. Although its sales page is full of logos of large companies that I imagine that support the project with strength and drive. We wish him the best and especially that the initiative has more ramifications, it is a way of distributing the very novel wealth and with interesting route.

Video: Lemonade Stand Economics (July 2024).