Abuse kills 80,000 children a year in Latin America

Violence against children is the most brutal and invisible of the hidden wars, the most socially accepted in its mildest forms and the most dangerous in its most atrocious consequences. But discovering the figures is overwhelmed: abuse kills 80,000 children a year in Latin America.

The statements of the special representative of the Secretary of the United Nations on Violence against Children, the Portuguese Martha Santos, at the recently held seminar "Child Violence: Global phenomenon that is urgently needed to eradicate", within the framework of the XVII General Assembly of the Ibero-American Federation Ombudsman's (FIO) offer terrible data of an increasing violence.

Unfortunately we are in the most violent region in the world, where 80,000 children die each year from abuse. We need better information. Violence remains invisible, socially accepted, no complaints or investigations are made and impunity is not fought.

Behind these 80,000 children killed by abuse in Latin America There will be millions around the world who suffer this violence on a daily basis, to a greater or lesser extent, many times in a hidden way.

Many times parents only repeat what they were taught that is the way to educate but they do terrible damage to their children, leaving emotional and mental sequelae difficult to quantify. A change in the perception of society about child abuse and a greater involvement of governments to eradicate it.

Video: Talk to Al Jazeera - Kailash Satyarthi: Saving India's child slaves (July 2024).