Eight great ideas for parenting

I found by chance with these eight great ideas which have actually been created for the educational field, but can be applied perfectly to the Rising children.

They have been developed a few years ago (1999) by the Seymour Papert Construction Learning Laboratory, a leading scientist, mathematician and educator, who worked for some years with the evolutionary psychologist Jean Piaget.

They are very revealing ideas that we should put into practice on a daily basis with our sons, while making us reflect on some methods used by the education system far from the interests of children.

They tell us about the importance of children having fun and enjoy learning, that they learn by really doing what they like and find it interesting, also at home. We talked about enhancing the talents of each child or as Howard Gardner recently said "Do you want to boost your child's intelligence? Find out what he is passionate about."

Let them make mistakes with freedom, that they experience at their leisure, that they be the ones who set the guidelines, without always having an adult (parent or teacher) who is constantly marking the times. Learning arises from trying things by trial and error. Wrong is a way of learning, and if we don't let them be the ones who experience, they can fall into learned helplessness.

Another idea that seems remarkable to me is to educate by example. In this case it would be: "Do what you do for your children to do". Children do what they see, they are a reflection of our reactions, attitudes and customs, so we must start by being what we want them to be.

I don't know if you knew them, but the eight great ideas They have no waste and are very valuable premises to adapt to parenting. By the way, by clicking on the image you can see the image in full size.

Video: 8 Parenting Hacks To Make Life Easier (July 2024).