How often do you have to bathe the baby?

There are those who establish the routine of the baby's bath as something inexcusable, unappealable and almost sacred. Daily. However, experts say that it is not necessary to bathe the child every day, and we are going to talk about this today. Because many parents wonder: How often do you have to bathe the baby?

Many pediatricians see the fact that they bathe too much in the increase in the skin conditions of children today, and, as the Academy of Pediatrics warns, excess bathing can reduce the natural bacteria that babies have and make them more susceptible to infections and rashes.

Let's think that a baby does not get dirty or sweat like a child or an adultIn addition, the skin has its own cleaning mechanisms and the excessive frequency or duration of baths can irritate it, especially if the baby has a very sensitive dermis, unsuitable bath products are used or when too hot water is used.

In the case of babies with atopic dermatitis, they should be washed preferably with a shower, without rubbing a lot and using moisturizers (with acid pH bath gels).

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When the baby reaches one year of age, he starts to crawl, to walk, he touches everything, he eats everything ... then they need to bathe the whole body more frequently. But not so if we talk about newborn and babies up to twelve months.

The baby's bath from zero to twelve months

There is research that has shown that it is not advisable to bathe the baby on a daily basis, and its skin, being thinner than that of adults, has a greater weakness in the different layers, which implies that it is more delicate and vulnerable.

Since they are born (and before birth), babies' skin creates a protective acid layer of fat, sweat and useful germs. This layer protects the skin against environmental influences, infectious germs and bacteria. This natural protection that the skin secretes should not be removed at all times.

However, if there is a part of the body that we cannot neglect is the diaper area, and with each diaper change you have to pay special attention to the ass, especially if it is stool. The hygiene of this area is essential because here the delicate skin of the baby does come into contact with bacteria and moisture can cause various conditions to appear.

Other areas to check especially even if we do not bathe the child are the neck and the area of ​​the skin with folds (armpits, English ...) is also delicate, because here you can accumulate dirt not visible, sweat, fluffs ...

So even if you do not bathe the baby every day you can pass a wipe or a damp cloth if you see that these places are dirty, taking advantage of the pajamas before bedtime, for example. And it is advisable not to neglect these folds and leave them moist (after cleaning or after bathing).

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Definitely, not to be obsessed with bath time. It must be a pleasant and hygienic time, but it does not necessarily have to be daily.

However, if a mother who says that she bathes her baby once a week (or even once more and more) a great stir arises. And, although I am not saying that once a week is enough, it is not necessary to answer this type of controversy pointing out that the ideal is the daily bath. Not so much, not so little ...

We could say that three times a week is enough, but every mother and father knows their baby better than anyone. And is that each baby has their individual needs in terms of care and frequency of bathing.

There are babies that regurgitate and the acid smell of milk can be very unpleasant. These babies may need a bath before others. Also if they have escaped the pee or poop, or if it is very hot ...

If for these or other reasons you bathe the baby daily, it is better to give up bath products such as gels or shampoos every day (more so if we notice that the baby's skin is dry). Better to simply put a few drops of oil, gel or special milk for bathing in the water, and in this way we prevent the skin from drying out, or that irritations, allergies occur ... sometimes caused by the agents that make up the products.

For the baby choose soft products, not scented, preferably free of chemicals that are aggressive with the skin, preservatives ... and with neutral pH and a soft towel or mitten, without scrubbing the baby's skin, so as not to reduce its defenses.

As you see, it is not necessary to bathe the baby every day, we can reduce the frequency of the bath and continue enjoying with the little ones of this special moment, even if it is not daily. We will be doing good to your skin.

Photos | eVo photo and Tom & Katrien on Flickr
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Video: How Often to Bathe Your Baby. Baby Development (July 2024).