Summary of the week from November 20 to 26 in Peques and More

The period of time I come to summarize, Children's Rights Day began, and our contribution was to introduce the readers of Peques y Más, 'The extraordinary journey of Lucius Dumb' whose script has been articulated around Human Rights and the Declaration of the Rights of the Child. It is a film that will be released soon.

And they have been Days of celebrations, because last Monday we had the same with the Day against Violence towards women, and we present this Guide to educate in prevention. When it comes to enjoying family free time we have welcomed the birthday of 'Dippy' in the National Museum of Natural Sciences; the applications based on Rita the Lizard, and 'An Enchanted Adventure' by the Clowns of the Tele.

Our interviews these days have had as protagonists to Pilar Fonseca, the author of 'Mamá Full Time', and Juan Romero, the head of Litera Libros.

And in another order of things, we have shared the Mesmelarda show in the Skylanders territories, known as Goldie Blox toys for girls to be engineers, and reflected on the next Christmas that is happy but contained. Our section dedicated to health has been starring an entry on colds.

I leave you until June, and Meanwhile you can enjoy our weekly appointment with my partner Marcos, with whom you will spend the Christmas holidays, you will end the winter and celebrate Easter. See you soon!

Video: Cinema of the Philippines. Wikipedia audio article (July 2024).