How to improve male fertility?

We often talk about women's fertility, but men also have a lot to say at this point. Surely you have wondered on occasion, Can you improve male fertility? How? We will give all the keys in this regard.

Like many aspects of health, a healthy lifestyle has a lot to do with the fertility of man. Male infertility can have a very diverse origin, but in some cases we can act to minimize risks.

And is that reproductive health is a matter of two, so attentive. Here we give you some tips on how to improve man's fertility.

Improve the fertility of man

  • Maintain an ideal weight, since obesity in men has been associated with greater difficulties in conceiving. There are studies that show that obese men have a sperm count much better than others who maintain an adequate weight. Exercise regularly and eat a healthy diet. Avoid excess fats and foods with too many calories to curb overweight.

  • The practice of moderate physical exercise It is beneficial for the organism, but without falling into excesses that could be counterproductive (neither set ourselves challenges that produce anxiety).

  • Choose sports that do not negatively impact the testicles (such as friction in cycling: there are studies that relate the usual practice of this sport with higher rates of infertility and sexual dysfunctions, as well as worse sperm quality).

  • Food is important for reproductive health. Antioxidants, like vitamins E and C, which are found naturally in fruits and vegetables, can improve sperm quality (in counting and mobility). These foods must be part of a balanced and healthy diet (remember, at least five servings a day).

  • Daily consumption of calcium and vitamin D may improve male fertility according to some studies.

  • Low zinc levels can reduce semen volume and testosterone level.

  • Other essential nutrients such as folic acid, which improves the quality of sperm (in legumes, green leafy vegetables and whole grains), that is why it is recommended to parents also before pregnancy.

  • Some studies suggest that tight clothing should be avoided, as it exerts friction on the testicles and increases the temperature of the scrotum; the use of tight underpants could then cause a decrease in sperm quality. The evidence of these studies is inconclusive, but there are those who recommend wide cotton boxer shorts that perspire and maintain an adequate temperature, instead of synthetics.

  • Do not take too long baths with hot water, or keep the laptop on the genitals for too long, since increasing body temperature can decrease semen motility.

  • Avoid using tobacco and alcohol or other drugs, since numerous studies have shown that the semen of men who do not have these habits is better in terms of viability and longevity. These substances are associated with a deterioration of sperm function.

  • Reduce stress, since many behaviors associated with this are related to infertility (consumption of drugs, alcohol, tobacco, poor diet, poor quality rest ...). Some research concludes that infertile chronic males have been people who have lived in stress for years. Some ways to reduce stress are sports, relaxation techniques, the practice of healthy leisure ...

  • If you have a chronic disease, you must maintain proper medical control and consult the specialist when you plan to have a child. Poorly controlled hypertension or diabetes can influence lower fertility.

  • Long periods of withdrawal can decrease sperm quality, so it is convenient to practice sex frequently (in addition, it will be necessary to achieve our goal).

If you follow these tips and the pregnancy takes time to achieve, the doctor will make an evaluation of the couple's reproductive health. The specialist can check male fertility by performing a physical exam and reviewing the medical history, as well as analyzing the semen.

In short, there are some factors that we cannot act on, but in general everything related to healthy lifestyle and eating can reach improve male fertility influencing semen quality.

Photos | Thinkstock In Vitónica | Get a quality sperm with tricks sewers In Babies and more | How to improve sperm quality, Food and sperm

Video: 5 tips to ensure healthy sperm - Jesse Mills, MD. UCLA Health Newsroom (May 2024).