Get good grades, look good and fit socially: the things teenagers feel most pressured for

Adolescence is a stage full of changes, not only for children, but also for parents. During it, we must learn about the transformation that they live both physically and mentally, to be able to accompany them in the best possible way.

To give us an idea about what goes through your mind, we have the results of a study conducted in the United States, in which we investigated what were the main concerns and the situations in which the teenagers felt the most pressure. We share your results.

Performed as survey of teenagers between 13 and 17 years old by the Pew Research Center, the research focused on knowing what were the main situations that overwhelmed or worried young people during this stage, as well as the things for which they felt most pressed.

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In relation to the problems they saw most frequently among their peers, 70% of adolescents surveyed mentioned mental illness as anxiety or depression as one of the biggest problems they face, followed by bullying, drug addiction and alcohol consumption.

About the pressures they suffer during adolescence, those related to academic issues top the list, considering 61% of them to get good grades as the greatest pressure they have at this stage.

After their qualifications, three out of ten (29%) feel too pressured by look good, while 28% feel that pressure to fit socially among peers. Followed by them, one in five teenagers feels pressured to participate in some extracurricular activity or be good at sports.

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Returning to the issue of pressure on getting good grades, it comes precisely from the stage they are in, since they begin to see for their future and their plans to enter the university, in which your academic performance plays a very important role.

Knowing the main problems that adolescents observe in their peers, and understanding the pressures they have during this stage, we can provide better accompaniment, putting emphasis on taking care of their mental health and supporting them in their studies in a way that they do not feel so pressured.

Video: If You Feel Pressure - WATCH THIS. by Jay Shetty (May 2024).