The role of the father in the postpartum: knowing the baby, supporting the mother

We have already seen the importance of the father in the different stages, from pregnancy through childbirth and breastfeeding. And we also want to stop at the role of the father in the postpartum.

The postpartum is a very delicate stage for the recent mother, in which she will need help for such basic acts as going to the bathroom or holding her baby, especially in the immediate postpartum. That is why the first thing the father can do is help the mother feel better physically.

Help her walk, get into bed, bring the baby closer ... And the first contacts with the baby will not only be recognition for dad, he will also have to take care of changing diapers or bathing while the mother can not do it.

Hopefully there is luck and from the beginning you can deal with both of these issues, because they are unforgettable moments thanks to those who we know a little more about our newcomer baby in the family. That is why it is not just a need for the father to take care of the baby's hygiene.

In the past, when pregnancy, childbirth and parenting were women's affairs, the parents were excluded and it was other women who took care of the baby while the mother could not do it. Luckily, this has changed and the father is almost never a passive element, does not want to stay out.

In addition, the role of the father in the immediate postpartum period is important to ensure that the baby does not stay in "the nest, nursery or nursery", which are useless and cause babies to cry more with unnecessary separation. If the mom needs rest, with the dad and the baby next door is also possible.

Arrival home with the baby

This is a crucial moment and sometimes feared by parents, since the hospital environment that gives us some security is abandoned. From now on, parents are "alone in the face of danger" and everything you learned in the course of childbirth preparation seems to blur or not be fulfilled.

It is likely that the woman is still late in recovering physically, so that father's help is important. In fact, the most common is that you still need help because it is not recovered. The first steps of breastfeeding can be complicated, so the father also has to be there, supporting the mother.

Currently working Spanish parents have a thirteen day paternity leave (that not everyone complies, because they do not "leave" them or because they do not want it) that is not usually enough for the mother's recovery, but imagine what it was before with only three days. Try to take advantage of that permission to spend a lot of time with your wife and baby.

But remember that "quarantine" also involves important emotional changes in the mother, so the support of the couple is essential in many difficult times.

And moving on to other more pragmatic issues (but also important at this stage), the dad more than ever will have to deal with topics like cooking, cleaning the house, making the purchase, organize the day-to-day operation of the house if there are other children ...

For many men this does not mean much change from their usual routine, but others will need a period of "adaptation" and even some "private lessons." During pregnancy, you can worry about how your home works.

She thinks that mom and baby are very much needed right now, and above all she will not be 100% to take care of the house. Everything we can provide to the mother will be welcome.

We also have something to say on the subject of the visits, sometimes not so welcome. Organize postpartum visits according to the needs and desires of the mother, since at this stage the desire for intimacy is normal (also to share our joy, but this can be expected in many cases).

All these tips will help to avoid the "baby blues", a state of sadness of the mother against which the father can act. We also prevent postpartum depression if the mother feels accompanied, understood, helped and supported.

In short, the general recommendation is that Dad has to spend as much time as possible with his wife and baby in the postpartum, since both need it. Of course, you can also take care of all the reports of videos and photos in these unique and unforgettable moments. Congratulations.