"From girl to girl": a sincere talk about growth, and the body in the process of change

Alba editorial has sent us a very nice book that I wanted to recommend. “From girl to girl” is a pleasant guide for moms (or dads) to enjoy with their daughters, or to give it away when they get older, or for girls (almost turned into teenagers), to share with their friends while they are in the room of one, or hidden in a corner of the schoolyard, uncovering The secrets themselves.

Time passes and that we were children we have grown older, sometimes I realize that although (almost) everything changes, and that is good; There are things that remain unchanged. One of them is the need to learn from the experience of others, another, discover with those who are more or less the same age, life with a curious look.

Seeing the cover of this wonderful book, I reminded myself with three friends of the summer ... 11 or 12 years we would be. We fantasized about what the first kiss would be like, we imagined what it would feel like to get pregnant years later, we shared what we knew about sexuality, etc. All this was forbidden to the rest of the group: some were already too old to understand us, the others too small, they would not be interested. "From girl to girl" is as a gathering of friends in full puberty, with the luck that they are guided by Sarah O'Leary Burningham, who collaborates as a columnist at ABC Family, and gives talks about adolescence throughout the United States. She has a lot of experience advising girls, and years after she should be an advisor to her three younger sisters, she still considers herself a teenager at heart. She lives in Queens (New York) with her husband and daughter.

I assure you that I will keep this book for my daughter 'like gold on a cloth', now she is eight years old, and it is the age from which the text is recommended, some things are curious, others 'come great'. In any case, it is intended to complement “What is happening to me?” That speaks to boys and girls about their puberty, in a normalizing tone.

What will you find in “From girl to girl”

A accessible text and a positive attitude guide girls up to 12 (or more) years old, and although the information comes from an 'expert', the girls who read it will take it as if they were listening to a sister, cousin or friend a little older than them. Advice on hygiene and healthy habits; First-hand information about the development of the breasts and the purchase of the first bra. Skin care, hair, ... Not forgetting - because they are very important - the emotional aspects of puberty.

It includes testimonials of girls, and Sarah's guidance letters. I think that girls will like it because it is free from prejudices, and offers a realistic view of things without taboos, that is: what is needed when you are at those ages

By the way, the illustrations are by Alli Arnold, who has illustrated several projects throughout his career, currently living in Florida. Y It is backed by doctors and child development experts. The translation of this edition is by Isabel Ferrer, and you can find it for 18.50 euros on the website of the publisher itself; Or order it in your usual bookstore.

From girl to girl is a sincere talk about growth, and the body in the process of change. Your daughters will love it

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