Did you sleep with your parents when you were a child ?: the question of the week

Wednesdays is the day we propose the question of the week. This section is that we propose a question for you to give us your answers and we also review the answers you have given us to the question of the previous week, highlighting the most valued by the readers.

In Babies and more we have talked many times about colecho, that is, parents and children sharing the bed. This custom, which is the way our closest relatives sleep in the animal kingdom and the way they have slept for millennia and continue to sleep in many cultures, produces rejection in our society, and parents who choose to This way of resting as a family, sometimes suffer from environmental pressures or negative comments.

However, as I said, the colecho is as old as the human being and also, many of us, we were able to sleep with our parents when we were little.

Precisely our question of the week will try on this:

Did you sleep with your parents when you were a child?

From today and throughout the week you can answer this question in the Answers section and next Wednesday we will comment on the most voted or most interesting interventions. Remember that if you answer in this post we will not be able to collect what you write, do it in the link of the question.

Last week's question

Last week's question was this: What do you value when choosing the school for your children?

The most valued response has been that of Nat:

My Sara this year will enter the school. In Murcia the pre-registration has already begun, in fact the deadline ends on 23. We live in a small city, Yecla. We have ruled out the two arranged cabbages because that is where the children of the rich people of the town are concentrated, and by references, I know that if you are not “someone's son” they treat you differently. From the public I have opted for the closest to my house, not only because of the proximity (which also counts) but because I know many parents who take the children there and some ex-student and have told me very well about him. In addition, the Ampa of this school has a lot of activity and from the direction of the center they encourage parents to participate in activities. That it is participatory for me is very important, because it implies that not only knowledge is given but values ​​are educated. Now we need to be accepted clearly.

And also outstanding is the one that Alicia Navarro has sent us.

I have already forgotten many of the things I learned in school, and I would like to remember. The truth is that I did not study much, I found everything very boring, and they were always scolding us. So I would like a school where children are encouraged to really learn, not just to get good grades. And of course, be respectful of children and understand that each one is different. I also think it is important, although somewhat less, that it is not far away. The school that best suits what I want is precisely the school where my husband studied. In addition, it is the one that is closest to my house. It is very requested, I hope you admit it.

Now the new question for this week It is already available and remember that until next Wednesday you can answer and vote. I remember, again, that you have to answer in the "Answers" section so we can take it into account for next week.

Video: Pedestrian Question - Did You Have Sex Last Night? (July 2024).