Playtape allows you to have roads to play anywhere

In my house if there is something that is everywhere, that is cars, trucks and vehicles with wheels in general. You can find them under the sofa, in the bathtub, in the fruit basket, under the bed, one day I found a tank truck in the freezer, I guess they were cooling the contents.

As I say, except in the drawer that we have to store cars, these are everywhere and day after another I find my children doing car racing around the house. But if they don't have something, they are roads to do the races and the times that I have drawn some of them, I have to admit that they had a great time. Well, it seems that I don't need to continue painting them on the floor, because that's what Playtape, which allows you to have roads to play anywhere.

Playtape, it is an adhesive tape with the drawing of a road, although there are also with drawings of train tracks, which sticks on almost any surface and that can be detached again for reuse later. Easy and simple to use as normal packing tape and the good thing is that it leaves no residue.

It should be borne in mind that if used on carpets or cloth surfaces, they may affect its useful life.

You can find it sold in Amazon for about 9 euros or InRoad Toys.

I leave a video for you to see how it works.

Video: Make Instant Roads and Tracks Anywhere With Playtape (July 2024).