Do you think that Elsa is making an offensive gesture?

The shirt you see in the image above He has made a stir in the UK, and now I will tell you why. It is not necessary to explain to you that Princess Elsa (one of the protagonists of Frozen) has been represented.

Well, it seems that some parents have complained because they wanted to see an offensive gesture in their hands of this warm-hearted girl who turns everything into ice. And is that in the Anglo-Saxon world, make the victory sign (V) with the palm turned inward, or what is the same: showing the back of the hand to the other person; It is interpreted as an offensive gesture.

And as if they had no other problems to deal with, they have launched complaints to H&M (you know, the Swedish textile company that claims to offer “fashion” and quality garments at a good price) where it is sold

Sometimes I don't know what to think about how parents act, I think we have thousands of real concerns that occupy our head, and we don't need to start chasing chimeras. Because in the first place, I don't see that he is doing the V, secondly if your son (which is what has happened) misunderstands Elsa and starts doing the V, Well, you explain that it is distasteful to do so, especially in public.

From what I have read, they are parents of very young children, very concerned about their education (I do not say no), but a little out of context. I don't know if the equivalent of such a gesture is equivalent to “root” or horns in one of its possible translations, or maybe to the middle finger, so popular from 10 years old, at least for these lands.

In the end, family education is a hybrid between guiding while correcting, and letting go so as not to sin as overprotectors. If my son does the middle finger, I tell him that I don't like that and that he can express his dissatisfaction with words, and from that moment on, he knows that he will have to limit its use to other situations. In consecuense I would not buy an explicit shirt... what I am not going to do is to misunderstand just because "it seems to me something that is not"; and it seems to me that the latter has happened.

Also, they hadn't thought about that before buying it? By the way, looking at the film's frames I found that in one of them Frozen is in the same position, so I still understand less the supposed intent which is attributed to the article of clothing.

By the way, at the moment the company has commented that it had no plans to remove the garment from the stores that have received complaints, and that it is a pity everything that has gone through a confusion.

Video: 21 Secret Messages In Disney Movies Kids Won't Get (July 2024).