Five fears you will have during pregnancy

Pregnancy is a natural stage but always arouses certain fears in women, because of the extraordinary importance and the importance they have to reach a good end, that the baby is born healthy. If you were pregnant, you know what I mean and if you are looking for a baby, keep in mind that these are five fears you will have during pregnancy.

It does not mean that there is no more, surely different fears appear, also depending on the particular situation of each one, or the specific moment of pregnancy. But these are frequent fears that will assail us throughout the nine months.

How to face them? Most of them, with good information and leading healthy lifestyle habits. Although some of our fears could come true, since we have no absolute control over this process, fortunately most pregnancies usually occur and ends happily.

Fear of having an abortion

There will always be fear that the fetus is not well, that the pregnancy does not progress properly, to have a miscarriage. The fear of women is explained because natural abortion is caused by unintended causes and is very difficult to prevent. As it is not in our hands to avoid it (although trying to reduce the chances of having a miscarriage), it scares us.

This is an issue that concerns us especially in the first quarter. And it is at that stage when most spontaneous abortions occur, with causes that are not always determined. Before 12 weeks it would be an early abortion, between 12 and 20 weeks late abortion (they are more delicate and usually require medical attention).

After the 20th week of pregnancy there is no talk about abortion, but rather about premature birth, an issue that we discuss in the next section, since it is another the biggest fears of pregnant women.

Fear that childbirth will go ahead

Having a preterm birth is something that worries us most in the third trimester, when the moment approaches but the fetus is not yet ready to be born. In fact, we are concerned about everything related to childbirth, but this will be discussed in a new article.

A premature baby can have serious sequelae (the less advanced the pregnancy is), so that no matter how much we want the baby to be born, we know that the time has not come.

Then, we must avoid as much as possible the risk factors and thus reduce the chances of the baby being born too early. Also, keep in mind how to recognize the warning signs.

Afraid to hurt the baby

It may be that at this stage of our life we ​​are asked the most questions related to our habits, because we don't want to hurt the baby. Can I take a hot bath? Can i sunbathe? Can I go to a spa? What happens if I dye my hair? Will it be good to make love this way or another? And, above all, can I eat this?

Because among the risks of pregnancy, there is one that worries us especially, perhaps because we have to do it every day, several times. And it is that of meals.

And although there are certain inadequate foods that we should avoid, so we have to be attentive to the advice to take a safe diet during pregnancy, serious problems are rare (unfortunately, we cannot say the same about digestive discomfort).

However, keep in mind that words like toxoplasmosis, listeriosis or anisakis will be around you during this stage, causing some fear.

Afraid to get sick

It is probably during pregnancy when you feel more hypochondriacal (or see you). You will worry about a simple cold or a migraine. Fortunately, as you will be careful and probably have healthier habits than usual, you also have fewer diseases. Of course, the issue of inconvenience is quite likely that we do not free ...

The issue of medications is important, let's try to avoid them as much as possible and we should not self-medicate, since many drugs are not safe during pregnancy. Consult the gynecologist for any health concerns that concern you.

Fear of changes in the body during pregnancy

Will I get too fat? How will my body change? Will stretch marks come out? Can I recover my old figure? When? What will happen to my breasts?

And is that some changes in the body of the pregnant woman are inevitable, but remember to try an approximate weight gain between six and twelve kilos to keep fit, stay well hydrated and eat a healthy diet ... Everything will help you achieve the ideal weight gain during pregnancy and the body does not suffer too much (or too many changes).

After delivery, there will be time to regain weight even if you keep in mind that there are also likely to be changes that remain to a greater or lesser extent in our bodies. But it's logical, isn't it? We have been mothers after an almost magical process of nine months carrying the baby inside.

In conclusion, we will say that the most frequent fears during pregnancy They are normal, stay well informed to be more calm and minimize the different risks. If any of these fears affects your daily life, be sure to share them with your surroundings to feel more supported.

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