Incredible: you have a caesarean section and a mobile phone is left inside your belly

What happens when you have surgery? They make a wound and open an area that is exposed to the outside. Does this mean that just as they remove or modify parts of your body, others can enter? Without a doubt, not only elements that want to be implanted in the body, but sometimes, by accident, some of the surgical material, maybe some gauze (Surely you've ever heard such a story). But what I explain today, which seems like a joke, surely it had never happened before.

It happened in Amman, Jordan, where a woman went to give birth to her baby and left with her baby in her arms, born by caesarean section, and the mobile phone of one of the doctors who treated him inside his uterus. How did you notice? My mother noticed that it vibrated.

What exactly happened?

His name is Hanan Mahmoud Abdul Karim, he is 36 years old and went to give birth to the hospital on April 24. As Gulf News explains, one of the doctors left his cell phone inside the woman's abdomen.

Apparently, the woman gave birth to a 4.8 kg child and as everything went well, she was discharged so she could take care of her baby at home. Already there, the woman began to explain that she noticed a vibration in the stomach and I felt a terrible pain. Faced with this situation, she was taken back to the hospital, where she had an x-ray that revealed a foreign object in her abdomen. They operated urgently and removed the mobile phone from inside.

Now the Jordanian Ministry of Health is going to investigate the matter to find out what has happened, although while they are doing so, the minister, who has received many criticisms for this and other reasons and who are already asking for the resignation, has declared that everything is a lie and that the mother has invented this story (we do not know who lies, if the mother or the minister, but today it is much easier to believe a mother than a politician who sees her job is in danger).

A Mobile phone?

I can understand that there is an accident and that some surgical material falls into the woman's uterus. It is an unforgivable error, but it is a human error: something falls, or they leave something, then nobody remembers to take it out, or they don't realize it, or they don't make a final revision and suture with that element inside. As I say, surely you have heard stories like that more than once. Terrible, but they happen. But, a mobile? What the hell is a mobile phone doing in the delivery room? I understand that mobile dependency has grown to illogical terms and that many people live absorbed in their screens, almost like living an alternative reality parallel to their true lives, but man, do not take your cell phone to the delivery room.

And if you take it, be careful. How the hell could he fall into the mother's womb? What did you do with the mobile? Did you carry it in your coat pocket, it fell by mistake and you didn't realize?

And thank good that at least it was on and the woman noticed the vibrations, because if it turns off the phone could have stayed there for days until the woman had symptoms of pain from the object or for the infection of carrying a device inside completely contaminated (A few years ago we told you that they had found fecal bacteria in one in six mobiles in the United Kingdom).

And even weirder, what if the sound had been set at full volume? I do not want to imagine the unreal of listening to a nearby mobile music without knowing where it comes from, and end up putting the ear on your wife's belly.

Anyway, unforgivable. Hopefully things like this do not happen anymore because if there is no need to add a new inconvenience to caesarean sections: Let things stay inside.

Video: Moment baby wiggles out of her mother's womb after natural c-section (July 2024).