The incredible story of some MoMo twins who were born with dangerously braided umbilical cords

A few days ago a woman shared on the Internet the curious story of her twins, who they were born healthy against what the logic said. Her name is Kate Lucas and her daughters were MoMo twins, named for having been a monoamniotic Monocorial pregnancy.

Monocorial means that they were made with a single placenta. A single placenta with two cords, one for each. Monoamniotic means that they were in the same bag, together, all the time. By not being separated, the laces run the risk of bundling with each other, knotting, braiding, and the risk for both is very high. Well, when explaining the story shared the image of the cord at birth and the image is shocking.

A rare type of pregnancy

MoMo pregnancies are rare for rare. Happens in one in 100 twin pregnancies and, if we look at the statistics regarding all pregnancies, in one in 50,000.

Apparently, Kate already had a 13-year-old daughter from another relationship and a younger boy from her current partner, and wanted to have a girl. When he went to the gynecologist at 10 weeks of pregnancy he made the sign of victory with his fingers, and after a few seconds she did not understand him, he clarified that two were coming.

The surprise was evident, but it was more, and not for the better, when he explained the type of pregnancy it was and the risks. Their babies had a 50 to 70% chance of survival, and the danger would be greater the bigger they were, because the space would be smaller and the commitment for the cords greater.

A lot to control

Such a pregnancy requires a lot of control, to see how everything goes and make decisions. At first they were checking every 15 days, until in week 24 the controls became weekly. In week 28 he was admitted to the hospital to monitor the pregnancy daily and practice a caesarean section at week 32 If all went well. Waiting for more was dangerous and a vaginal delivery too risky, so it happened that way.

Two very special twins

His mother in Miracle Babies explains that the MoMo twins, when they survive, are the closest of all, because they have been in physical contact since the beginning of everything. Always together, touching each other continuously, since they are just a few cells. On ultrasound, in fact, they saw them holding hands, one with the head resting on the belly of the other, wrapped around each other, looking into each other's eyes, etc. And the most curious thing is that after being born, being together, they did the same, always together, looking for each other.

The birth

Everything went very fast, because the day that the caesarean was going to be practiced they had to postpone it because there was no place in the NICU. The next day, when he least expected it because it seemed that day would not be, they came to tell him that there was already space and that they were going to do it now. They caught her unexpectedly, but she almost thanked him.

In a few minutes they were already born, with a weight of 1,9Kg and 1,5Kg, their good condition allowed them to put them with her to hug before they took them to the neonatal unit.

And then one of the biggest surprises happened. When they checked the laces there was silence in the room. They were totally braided and there was a knot at a point that made it almost inexplicable that both of them had survived, so since then he started calling them her little miracle babies MoMo.

Now Harper and Cleo, the girls, they are two beautiful healthy and full of vitality twins with a very close relationship. As close as one day their cords were, that they joined and bound each other as if they wanted to be just one.

Via and Photos | Mirror
Main Photo | iStock
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